
janet galore in berlinjanet galore is an interdisciplinary artist, designer, curator, and author based in Seattle. She received a BS degree in pure mathematics from the University of Washington, and continued there with three years of graduate studies in pure and applied mathematics. She later became executive producer at Zombie VR Studios. There she designed and produced real-time 3D games for PCs and consoles, and oversaw music video and VR ride projects. After freelancing in Honolulu, janet returned to Seattle to work with Honkworm International, where she served as VP of Content and created and animated the “photosurrealistic” style of Honkworm’s award-winning FishBar series. She later joined Microsoft, and during her 10-year tenure, she worked for Microsoft’s chief research and strategy officer, Craig Mundie, first in the Strategic Prototyping group, and later as speech director. She spent 7.5 years as Creative Director of Amazon’s Concept Lab, where she led design innovation for retail customer experiences. Currently janet is a Sr. UX Manager at Google working on Gemini. She is a named inventor on 25+ issued patents.

janet has has co-curated a number of art exhibitions, and her award-winning art and animation centers on themes of perception, parafiction, and the surreal. She and her husband, demi raven own a private art studio and creative space called The Grocery Studios on North Beacon Hill in Seattle, where they make artwork and films, and host artists, pop-up exhibitions, performances, and film screenings. She also curates the Walk Up Gallery (WUG).

She currently serves on the Community Advisory Board at Creative Justice. In the past she has served as chair on King County’s 4Culture Public Art Advisory Committee, and on the board of directors at Arts Corps, Center on Contemporary Art (CoCA) and WorldChanging. She has contributed to a handful of books on streaming media, and wrote Flash MX Design for TV and Video for Wiley Publishing.

Contact: janetgalore (at) live dot com. See full resume here.

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